Airfield Information
Radio Frequency: 120.31 mhz
Runway Orientation: 06/24
Circuit Direction: 06/RH 24/LH
Circuit Height: 1000ft QFE
Runway Length: 450mtrs
PPR not strictly required but preferred due to the close proximity of Southend CTA. All visiting Aircraft and Helicopters welcome with no restrictions. Intense Microlight Activity most days, please keep a good look out when in the circuit and make blind calls if no reply.
No Standard Overhead Joins as there is no deadside to the North. If necessary join overhead the field at 1200 QNH and proceed to join the circuit downwind at 800 QFE.
Strip has a very slight curve over its entire length. Taxi on the sea wall side of the runway and park in bays on the railway side along the fence (Bays marked). Visitors book online (Click Here).
Airfield situated within the Southend RMZ. Please see below information on operation within the Southend Low Flyzone. Aircraft requiring entry to the RMZ other than the Low flyzone shall establish two way communication with Southend Radar on 130.780mhz before entering the RMZ.
Warning: Powerlines 200ft High run in close proximity and parallel north of the runway and final Approach. Railway Passes alongside the aerodrome between runway and Pylons. The seaward marsh is a SSSI (Site of Special Scientific Interest) do not overfly below 500ft QFE. Do not overfly local villages or St Mary's Marsh to the North.
Fuel available with prior warning.
For more information please email